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曹晓风博士现任国际植物表观遗传学专家委员会委员,《中国科学》副主编、Current Opinion in Plant Biology和The Plant Cell等杂志编委;先后获得美国“杜邦青年科学家奖”和“中国青年女科学家奖”等称号。


Topic: Epigenetic regulation in higher plants

Speaker: Xiaofeng Cao, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator 
Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, 
Chinese Academy of Sciences


Epigenetics, defined as the study of heritable and probably reversible alteration in gene expression without changes in DNA sequence, has greatly expanded our understanding of gene expression and regulation. DNA methylation, histone modifications and RNA directed gene silencing are three major mechanisms in epigenetic regulation. Using both Arabidopsis and rice as model organisms, we are interested in understanding how gene expression, genome stability and plant development are regulated by histone modifications and small non-coding RNAs.
In this seminar, I plan to show you the important roles of dynamic histone methylation in controlling transposon activities for genome stability and plant development. I will discuss how histone demethylases recognize their specific targets within the genome and demonstrate two distinct mechanisms of recruitment in Arabidopsis. 



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