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Ying Jin, Ph.D.
Director and Investigator
Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai Institutes of Biological Sciences, CAS/Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine

  金颖博士1959年出生于中国沈阳,1983年毕业于中国医科大学,1988年获得中国医学科学院、北京协和医科大学医学博士学位。现为上海交通大学医学院、中国科学院上海生命科学院健康科学研究所研究组组长,中国科学院干细胞重点实验室主任。自2000年以来,金颖博士主要致力于研究哺乳类动物胚胎早期发育和多能干细胞细胞命运决定的分子调控机制,在若干层面取得具有国际影响的原创性成果,包括重要转录因子在多能干细胞特性建立和维持中的作用、启动多能干细胞分化程序的信号通路、人类早期发育过程中的基因表达谱式及多能干细胞来源的祖细胞移植中形成肿瘤的机制等方面。近年来,金颖博士领导的课题组在人多能干细胞自我更新和定向分化的调控及疾病多能干细胞等研究方面也取得重要的研究成果。近年来在Cell Stem Cell,Developmental Cell, PNAS及JCI等国际著名期刊发表的数十篇论文。

Topic : Transcription Factors and Signaling Pathways
in the Control of Embryonic Stem Cell Self-renewal

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) derived from pre-implantation embryos possess the unique properties of unlimited self-renewal and pluripotent developmental potential. The self-renewal property is defined by their ability to continued proliferation against differentiation and cell death and is tightly controlled at multiple levels including transcriptional regulation and signaling stimulation. Pluripotency-associated core transcriptional circuitry composed of OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG are essential for the maintenance of ESC self-renewal and for the repression of differentiation-associated signaling pathways such as MEK/ERK1/2 and calcineurin-NFAT signaling. In this seminar, I plan to discuss our recent progress in understanding how transcriptional factor SOX2 control the cell fate in human ESCs through comprehensive analyses of genome-wide RNA-seq, ChIP-seq and protein complex purification data. Our study provides new insights into the molecular mechanism by which SOX2 suppresses non-neural lineages and ensure pluripotent epigenetic landscapes of hESCs. Moreover, the results address the question of how transcriptional regulation and signaling coordinate to control the ESC identity.   


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