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  谢晓亮教授1984年本科毕业于北京大学化学学院,1990年在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校获博士学位,他是国际著名物理化学家和生物物理学家,改革开放后中国大陆赴美学者中受聘哈佛大学终身教授(1999年)的第一人。作为单分子生物物理化学和相干拉曼散射显微成像技术的开拓者,他在相关新兴交叉学科做出了创造性贡献,培养了大批人才。 谢晓亮教授不仅是生物物理基础科学研究的国际领军人物,近年来他将单分子技术应用于医学问题,并且积极发展了生物医学成像技术和新型高通量基因组测序技术。 2010 来谢晓亮教授兼任北京大学生物动态光学成像中心(BIOPIC)主任,往返中美之间致力于生命科学和医学研究与科研成果的产业化。 谢晓亮教授是大陆留美化学领域科学家入选美国科学院的第一位院士,并多次获得国际化学,光学及生物研究奖, 其中包括2015年的 阿尔伯尼生物医学奖。

Topic : Life at the Single Molecule Level:From Single
Molecule Biophysical Chemistry to Single Cell Genomics

Xiaoliang Sunney Xie, Ph.D.
Mallinckrodt Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology 
Director of BIOPIC, Peking University

Single molecule studies in biology have become a major force in life sciences. Unlike conventional ensemble studies, single molecule biophysical chemistry is characterized by ubiquitous fluctuations of a molecular property in a system containing one molecule of a particular chemical species. The understanding of many life processes, which can now experimentally probed at the single molecule level, requires thermodynamics, equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, and chemical kinetics to be recast for the single molecular systems. DNA exists as single molecules that carry genetic codes in individual cells. Consequently gene expression is stochastic. Single-molecule gene expression experiments in live single cells allowed quantitative description and mechanistic interpretations. The fact that there are 46 different individual DNA molecules (chromosomes) in a human cell dictates that genomic variations occur stochastically and cannot be synchronized among individual cells. Probing such genomic variations requires single-cell and single-molecule measurements, which have been made possible recently, opening opportunities to investigate and diagnose cancer, and to avoid genetic disorders in newborns.


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