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  吴缅,教授,博士生导师,中国科学院“百人计划”特聘教授;中国科大校学术委员会委员; 厦门大学及浙江大学兼职教授。主要从事肿瘤细胞生物学研究。1982年获南京师范大学生物学学士学位;1988年获美国哥伦比亚大学分子生物学博士;1989-1991在美国哈佛大学细胞与发育生物学系做博士后。1992开始任新加坡国立大学生物学系助理教授。2004-2006在新加坡南洋理工大学生物系任副教授。在生命科学领域的国际权威杂志包括:Nature Cell Biology,Molecular Cell, PNAS, EMBO J,Nature Communications等杂志上发表论文60多篇,被引用超过2900多次。目前是Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica、中国生物化学与分子生物学报编委并担任Journal of Molecular and Cell Biology副主编。
Topic: Regulation of p53-inducible lncRNAs in tumor metabolism under oxygen-glucose deprivation 
吴缅, 博士
Hypoxia (or oxygen deprivation) has long been linked to the Warburg effect, yet the underlying mechanism remains largely unclear. It is also not known if long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are involved in the contribution of hypoxia to the Warburg effect. Our lab showed that p53-inducible lincRNA-p21 is a hypoxia-responsive lincRNA and is essential for hypoxia-enhanced glycolysis. Hypoxia/HIF-1α-induced lincRNA-p21 is able to bind HIF-1α and VHL and thus disrupts the VHL-HIF-1α interaction. This disassociation attenuates VHL-mediated HIF-1α degradation and causes HIF-1α accumulation. 
p53 is one of the most important tumor suppressors that have been found thus far. Approximately 50% of tumors harbor p53 mutations and which is believed to contribute to tumor's malignancy. However, the remaining 50% of tumors possess wild type p53, and the exact role it plays in tumor cells is not clear. Cancer cells prefer to metabolize glucose through aerobic glycolysis. Due to its low efficiency of ATP production, it is reasonable to believe that tumor cells rely more heavily on glucose compared to normal cells. Yet under glucose deprivation, we found wild type p53 can up-regulates a long noncoding RNA, which creates a novel necrotic signaling pathway that is different from RIP1-RIP3-MLKL signaling, and protects tumor cells against necrosis. Our data suggest that wt-p53 can act as an oncogenic factor to promote tumor cell survival.



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