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4月26日北京大学学术报告—Hank F Kung孔繁渊教授




TitleMolecular Imaging in Brain Diseases: From Bench to Bedside

Speaker   Hank F. Kung, Ph.D.

Emeritus Professor Of Radiology

School of Medicine

University of Pennsylvania

Time2018-4-23(周四),13:00 -14:00 pm  



Recent advances in basic genomic research provide ample opportunities for advancement in molecular imaging. Traditional radiologic imaging modalities, such as CT, MRI and ultrasound, are commonly used in screening, detection and staging of brain diseases, but their usages are often limited to measuring structural and morphological changes. The application of radiolabeled SPECT or PET imaging agents for brain diseases, especially for neurodegenerative disease, such as PD and AD, has had a significant impact on clinical diagnosis and patient care. New brain imaging agents will have to face diverse hurdles along the pathway from laboratory to FDA registration and widespread clinical adoption. However, these brain imaging agents are destined to play significant roles in initial disease diagnosis, monitoring disease progression, facilitating the identification of targets for drug development and testing the efficacy of various therapeutics for brain diseases. In the past two decades translational medicine, which encompasses efforts to move discoveries from the laboratory to clinical applications, has received significant attention.  To develop new targeted PET or SPECT imaging agents suitable for molecular imaging in brain diseases a serious effort will be needed to provide screening tools, in vitro and in vivo methodology as well as genetically modified animal models for testing the efficacy of the drugs designed specifically for brain diseases.


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