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5月10日清华大学学术报告 - Magdalena Koziol


Identification of a novel DNA modification in eukaryotes: methylated deoxyadenosine (dA6m)



May 10th (Thursday)

10:00 – 11:00

B321, Med. Sci. Bldg.


Magdalena Koziol, Ph.D. 

The Gurdon Institute


University of Cambridge


Methylation of cytosine deoxynucleotides is a well-established epigenetic mark, but in higher eukaryotes much less is known about modifications affecting other deoxynucleotides. We report the detection of N-6-methyl-deoxyadenosine in vertebrate DNA, such as frogs, but also in other species including mouse and human. Our methylome analysis reveals that dA6m is widely distributed across the eukaryotic genome, is present in different cell types, but commonly depleted from gene exons. Thus, direct DNA modifications might be more widespread than previously thought.


Host: Jose C. Pastor-Pareja



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