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    比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会(Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) 将与清华大学合作在中国资助与全球健康直接相关的研究项目。这个项目资助的课题必须与全球健康直接相关(细节请参考下文“英文申请指南”部分)。根据清华与盖茨基金会的协议,本项目将资助6个独立的研究课题。每个课题资助期限为1年,资助额度不高于10万美元。项目申请需用英文填写,与项目申请填写有关的详细解释请看提供的申请表及其说明。


The Guidelines for the Tsinghua-Gates Foundation Grant Application

1. Priority Areas for this funding
This Gates Grand Challenge Exploration grant will focus on the following priority areas:
1) To create new vaccine for diarrhea diseases, HIV/AIDS, malaria, pneumonia, and tuberculosis (hepatitis not included);
2) To create new ways to prevent and cure HIV infection;
3) To create new ways to protect against infectious diseases;
4) To explore the basis for latency in tuberculosis;
5) To create drugs and delivery systems to limit drug resistance;
6) To create new tools to accelerate the eradication of malaria;
7) To create low-cost diagnostics for priority global health conditions;
8) To create new ways to induce mucosal immunity.
Please refer to the following Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation website for detailed information on the priority areas.
2. Selection Procedure
A Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) consisting of international experts in global heath areas will review and rank all applications received by the deadline. The selection criteria emphasize the novelty (out-of-box thinking) and scientific qualify of the application. The funding recommendations will be made to the Steering Committee for final approval.

3. Application Deadline
April 30, 2012

4. Additional requirements
The scope of proposed basic research projects shall fall into at least one of the 8 priority areas. The proposed research should not have significant scientific or budgetary overlaps with any ongoing projects that are already funded by other funding agencies.

1. All applications shall be sent to:
2. All applications must use the attached application form.


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