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T cells play essential roles in immune response. We are studying T cells with two directions:

1. Functional genomics in primary T cells

We are applying genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screen in primary T cell in vivo to answer fundamental questions in T cell biology, including development, activation, proliferation and differentiation, as well as T cell fitness (e.g. exhaustion) in tumor microenvironment.  Identified novel genes and regulatory circuits have been used to design novel therapies for diseases.

2. Mechanisms of metabolic regulation of T cells

Metabolic reprogramming is a hallmark of T cell activation, but how metabolic pathways regulate T cell function remains poorly understood. We are using mouse models with gain- and loss-of-function of key metabolic enzymes to decipher metabolic regulation T cell, and try to target metabolism to treat immune-related diseases.



1. Min Peng, Na Yin, Ming O. Li. SZT2 dictates GATOR control of mTORC1 signaling. Nature. 2017 Mar 16;543(7645):433-437. 

2. Min Peng*, Na Yin*, Sagar Chhangawala, Ke Xu, Christina S. Leslie, Ming O. Li. Aerobic glycolysis promotes T helper 1 cell differentiation through an epigenetic mechanism. Science, 2016 Oct 28; 354(6311): 481-484. *equal contribution. 

Preview in Science, 2016 Oct 28; 354(6311): 419-420. “Warburg meets epigenetics”. 

Preview in Dev Cell, 2016 November 7;39: 286-287. “Metabolic Control of Cellular Differentiation”.

Preview in Cell Metab, 2016 November 8; 24: 651-652. “Metabolic Signaling Drives IFN-g”.

3. Min Peng, Na Yin, Ming O. Li. Sestrins Function as Guanine Nucleotide Dissociation Inhibitors for Rag GTPases to Control mTORC1 Signaling. Cell. 2014 Sep 25; 159(1): 122-33. 

Highlighted in Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 2014; 15: 701, “A RAG dissociation inhibitor”.


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