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1.       Yin Y*, Lu JY, …, Shen X*. U1 snRNP regulates chromatin retention of noncoding RNAs. Nature. 2020. 580(7801):147-150. (* co-corresponding)

2.       Lu JY, …, Shen X. Genomic repeats categorize genes with distinct functions for orchestrated regulation. (2020). Cell Reports. 30(10):3296-3311.

3.       Bi X, …, Shen X. RNA targets ribosome biogenesis factor WDR43 to chromatin for transcription and pluripotency control. Mol Cell. 2019. 75: 102-116.

4.       Luo S, Lu J, ..., Shen X. Divergent lncRNAs regulate gene expression and lineage differentiation in pluripotent cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2016. 18(5):637-52.

5.       Yin Y, …, Shen X. Opposing roles for the lncRNA Haunt and its genomic locus in regulating HOXA gene activation during embryonic stem cell differentiation. Cell Stem Cell. 2015. 16(5):504-16.



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