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1. Jia S, Dai F, Wu D, Lin X, Xing C, Xue Y, Wang Y, Xiao M, Wu W, Feng XH*, Meng A*. 2012. Protein phosphatase 4 cooperates with Smads to promote BMP signaling in dorsoventral patterning of zebrafish embryos. Development Cell, 22(5):1065-78.

2. Li Z, Wang Y, Zhang M, Xu P, Huang H, Wu D, Meng A*. 2012. The Amotl2 gene inhibits Wnt/β-catenin signaling and regulates embryonic development in zebrafish. J Biol Chem, 287(16):13005-15.

3. Zhang M, Zhang J, Lin SC, Meng A*. 2012. β-Catenin 1 and β-catenin 2 play similar and distinct roles in left-right asymmetric development of zebrafish embryos. Development, 139(11):2009-19.

4. Zheng X, Yang S, Han Y, Zhao X, Zhao L, Tian T, Tong J, Xu P, Xiong C, Meng A*. 2012. Loss of zygotic NUP107 protein causes missing of pharyngeal skeleton and other tissue defects with impaired nuclear pore function in zebrafish embryos. J Biol Chem, 287(45):38254-64.

5. Liu X, Ning G, Meng A*, Wang Q*. 2012. MicroRNA-206 regulates cell movements during zebrafish gastrulation by targeting prickle1a and regulating c-Jun N-terminal kinase 2 phosphorylation. Mol Cell Biol, 32(14):2934-42.

6. Dworkin S, Darido C, Georgy SR, Wilanowski T, Srivastava S, Ellett F, Pase L, Han Y, Meng A, Heath JK, Lieschke GJ, Jane SM. 2012. Midbrain-hindbrain boundary patterning and morphogenesis are regulated by diverse grainy head-like 2-dependent pathways. Development, 139(3):525-36.

7. Peng J, Zhang J, Meng A. 2012. The tiny zebrafish keep swimming fast in the developmental biology pond.J Genet Genomics, 20;39(9):419-20.

8. Jia SJ, Meng AM. 2012. The development of zebrafish research in China. 遗传. 34(9):1082-8.

9. Zhao X, Zhao L, Tian T, Zhang Y, Tong J, Zheng X, Meng A. Interruption of cenph causes mitotic failure and embryonic death, and its haploinsufficiency suppresses cancer in zebrafish. J Biol Chem. 2010 Sep 3;285(36):27924-34. Epub 2010 Jun 23.

10. Li X, Jia S, Wang S, Wang Y, Meng A. Mta3-NuRD complex is a master regulator for initiation of primitive hematopoiesis in vertebrate embryos. Blood. 2009 Dec 24;114(27):5464-72. Epub 2009 Oct 28.

11. Zhang Y, Li X, Qi JJ, Wang J, Liu X, Zhang H, Lin SC, Meng AM. 2009. Rock2 controls TGF-beta signaling and inhibits mesoderm induction in zebrafish embryos. Journal of Cell Science, 122:2197-207.

12. Jia SJ, Wu D, Xing CC, Meng AM. 2009. Smad2/3 activities are required for induction and patterning of the neuroectoderm in zebrafish.Developmental Biology, 333:273-284.

13. Zhao L, Zhao XY, Tian T, Lu QL, Skrbo-Larssen N, Wu D, Kuang Z, Zheng XF, Han YC, Yang SY, Zhang CM, Meng AM. 2008. Heart-specific isoform of tropomyosin4 is essential for heartbeat in zebrafish embryos. Cardiovascular Research, 80(2):200-208.

14. Meng FW, Cheng X, Yang LL, Hou N, Yang X, Meng AM. 2008. Accelerated re-epithelialization in Dpr2-deficient mice is associated with enhanced response to TGF-beta.



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