

2012-04-12    点击:


Invitation to the Joint Symposium of Peking University, Tsinghua University and Kyoto University

Crossing Boundaries: Stem cells, Materials, Mesoscopic Sciences and Beyond

由生命科学联合中心(简称“生命中心”)与日本京都大学The Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (简称“iCeMS”)共同组织举办的北京大学、清华大学与日本京都大学三校联合学术研讨会,将在4月20-22日,于北京大学中关新园和清华大学医学科学楼召开。会议主题为“Crossing Boundaries: Stem cells, Materials, Mesoscopic Sciences and Beyond”。届时,来自中日两国,三校学者专家将汇聚一堂,跨国家与专业方向,针对在干细胞、生物成像、生物材料,纳米医药和系统生物学等生命科学领域中所关心的问题,尤其是如何促进未来的交叉与融合、合作与创新,以期在生命科学领域推出新的研究方法和理论。



• Stem cell sciences and technologies

• Cellular and molecular Biology (I)&(II)

• Nanomedicine, Drug delivery and Perspectives

• Mesoscopic integration of Cell and Material sciences



Center for Life Sciences (CLS) The Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS)

Peking University, Tsinghua University, China Kyoto University, Japan

Co-sponsored by Center for Life Sciences (CLS) and the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS), the Joint Symposium between CSL and iCeMS will be held April 20-22, 2012 in Beijing, China. Aiming to promote future collaborative opportunities, this conference is an exciting opportunity for scientists to break down the boundaries in a joint effort to create novel approaches in the study of life sciences.

As two top institutes in the life sciences, CLS and iCeMS share many similarities. Both institutes result from government initiatives to achieve academic excellence, combining the world's best minds and the skills of many varied disciplines. CLS and iCeMS are also devoted to creating stimulating and nurturing environments for the most talented and promising young scientists. In addition, the two institutes were both founded as part of the most prestigious and historically significant universities in the two countries.

We cordially invite you to participate in this joint event, and look forward to welcoming you in Beijing.

CLS: As an integral part of Chinese efforts to build first-rate universities, the Center for Life Sciences (CLS) was established in 2011 at Peking and Tsinghua Universities. Supported by the central government, the mission of the center is to combine excellence in research and education. Collaborations in research are highly encouraged among scientists from the two universities. The center anchors faculty members distributed in multiple schools and departments, ranging from biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, to psychology and medicine, nurturing interdisciplinary interactions.

iCeMS: The Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) at Kyoto University is one of the Japanese science ministry's World Premier International Research Center (WPI) Initiative centers. By merging materials science and cell biology, two fields of great strength at Kyoto, the iCeMS is creating a new cross-discipline, supported by an advanced research environment and infrastructure that are unprecedented in Japan. The iCeMS' research focus is on two main areas: mesoscopic science and technology and stem cell science and technology. The institute's pioneering work draws from the life sciences, chemistry, materials science, and physics, and is anticipated to lead to innovations in medicine, pharmaceuticals, the environment, and industry.