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我的主要研究方向是理论生物物理 (theoretical biological physics),也就是通过物理的语言去描述和理解复杂生物系统。我关注的对象通常是生物系统中被广泛观察到的现象。这些现象往往普遍存在于不同物种中。近期感兴趣的问题包括 (1) 基因表达 (gene expression) 的普适规律,(2) 活性软物质物理 (soft living matter), (3) 微生物生理学 (microbial physiology)。通常我的研究目标是构建一个统一的数学模型去理解那些现象,同时能够做出新的可以被实验验证的理论预言。



1. Disentangling intrinsic and extrinsic gene expression noise in growing cells, Jie Lin, Ariel Amir, Physical Review Letters, 126, 078101, 2021

2. Evolution of microbial growth traits under serial dilution, Jie Lin, Michal Manhart, Ariel Amir, Genetics, 2020

3. Optimal segregation of proteins: phase transitions and symmetry breaking, Jie Lin, Jiseon Min, Ariel Amir, Physical Review Letters, 122, 068101, 2019               

4. Homeostasis of protein and mRNA concentrations in growing cells, Jie Lin, Ariel Amir, Nature Communications, 9, 4496, 2018

5. Modeling cell size regulation: From single-cell level statistics to molecular mechanisms and population-level effects, Po-Yi Ho, Jie Lin, Ariel Amir, Annual Review of Biophysics, 47, 2018

6. The effects of stochasticity at the single-cell level and cell size control on the population growthJie Lin, Ariel AmirCell Systems5(4):358-3672017

7. Evidence for marginal stability in emulsionsJie Lin, Ivane Jorjadze, Lea-Laetitia Pontani, Matthieu Wyart, and Jasna Brujic , Physical Review Letters, 117, 208001, 2016

8. Mean-field description of plasticity in amorphous solids, Jie Lin, Matthieu Wyart, Physical Review X, 6, 011005, 2016

9. Criticality in the approach to failure in granular materials and amorphous solids, Jie Lin, Thomas Gueudre, Alberto Rosso, Matthieu Wyart, Physical Review Letters, 115, 168001, 2015

10. Scaling description of the yielding transition in soft amorphous solids at zero temperature, Jie Lin, Edan Lerner, Alberto Rosso, Matthieu WyartProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (40) 14382-14387, 2014

11. On the density of shear transformation zones in amorphous solids, Jie Lin, Alaa Sadde, Edan Lerner, Alberto Rosso, Matthieu Wyart, EPL (Europhysics Letters), 105, 26003, 2014





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