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Xie D, Feys BF, James S, Nieto-Rostro M and Turner JG. COI1: an Arabidopsis gene required for jasmonate-regulated defense and fertility. SCIENCE 280:1091-1094, 1998

The coi1 mutation defines an Arabidopsis gene required for response to jasmonates, which regulate defense against insects and pathogens, wound healing, and pollen fertility. The wild-type allele, COI1, was mapped to a 90-kilobase genomic fragment and located by complementation of coi1-1 mutants. The predicted amino acid sequence of the COI1 protein contains 16 leucine-rich repeats and an F-box motif. It has similarity to the F-box proteins Arabidopsis TIR1, human Skp2, and yeast Grr1, which appear to function by targeting repressor proteins for removal by ubiquitination.

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