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Fang F*, Boyaci H, Kersten D, Border ownership selectivity in human early visual cortex and its modulation by attention, JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 29(2): 460-465, 2009.

Natural images are usually cluttered because objects occlude one another. A critical aspect of recognizing these visual objects is to identify the borders between image regions that belong to different objects. However, the neural coding of border ownership in human visual cortex is largely unknown. In this study, we designed two simple but compelling stimuli in which a slight change of contextual information could induce a dramatic change of border ownership. Using functional MRI adaptation, we found that border ownership selectivity in V2 was robust and reliable across subjects, and it was largely dependent on attention. Our study provides the first human evidence that V2 is a critical area for the processing of border ownership and that this processing depends on the modulation from higher-level cortical areas.

版权所有 生命科学联合中心 京ICP备15006448号-5